Sunday, February 26, 2017

AWS Launches I3 VM Instances Starting at 15 Cents Per Hour

Public cloud market leader Amazon Web Services (AWS) today announced that its six types of I3 virtual machine instances (VMs) are now available in 15 of the 16 AWS data centers worldwide. AWS was first announced i3 series of instances during its November réinventation conference

These bodies supported by SSDs are designed for high-speed storage and input-output per second (IOPS) operations. The most important organ can handle up to 16GB per second of sequential disk performance, AWS chief evangelist Jeff Barr wrote in a Blog. They will work well for relational and not just relational databases, among others, wrote Barr.

At the lower end of the range, the i3.large offers 2 vCPUs, 15.25GiB (RAM) and 0.475TB storage; In the upper range, the vCPU port i3.16xlarge 64, 488GiB RAM and 15.2TB storage each eight SSD. The high costs of 15 cents per hour in the eastern region of the AWS (Northern Virginia), while i3.16xlarge goes for $ 4.99 per hour in the eastern United States.

Closest competitor AWS, Microsoft Azure, offers the L-series of instances optimized for storage. At the top end, the L32 provides 32-core instance, RAM and 256GiB 5.63TB of storage, for the price of $ 7,782 per hour. Currently, Google Cloud Platform does not have instances optimized for storage, but allows customers to create custom forums.

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